Welcome to WOOD HEAT FIRE STONE .com
Dealer and Certified Installer for TULIKIVI® Soapstone Masonry Heaters from Finland for Alaska's Kenai Peninsula
As an Alaska licensed and bonded Specialty Contractor experienced in Stone Masonry Solid Fuel Heating Appliance Installation, Soapstone Hearths and Heat Shields, and associated Soapstone tile accents, we will help you achieve a personal 'green' alternative energy solution for your Kenai Peninsula Alaska home or business.
This time-tested Finnish solution will allow you to take pride in reducing your 'carbon footprint' while controlling your own energy destiny and saving you money for decades!
Investment in a TULIKIVI Soapstone Masonry Heater can be part of your personal solution to the Energy Crisis and an efficient action to help reduce your impact on our Planet Earth.
This time-tested Finnish solution will allow you to take pride in reducing your 'carbon footprint' while controlling your own energy destiny and saving you money for decades!
Investment in a TULIKIVI Soapstone Masonry Heater can be part of your personal solution to the Energy Crisis and an efficient action to help reduce your impact on our Planet Earth.
The Tulikivi Soapstone Solution is true Suomi Sisu! ("Tulikivi" means "FireStone" in Finnish, and 'Suomi Sisu' is that Finnish determination to make something better!)